Is it necessary to teach Entrepreneurial skills?

Nowadays we are comvulsed by the information we can read through the projec bill named as "LOMCE", there are too many arguments I am against to, but today I am going to justify the essencial need of teaching entrepreneurial skills in the lower Secondary Education.

The U.E recomendation  numbered : 2006/962/EC explains the key competence in order to reach the lifelong learning to get a workforce adapted to the changes to be in the labor market.

As globalisation continues to confront the European Union with new challenges, each citizen will need a wide range of key competences to adapt flexibly to a rapidly changing and highly interconnected world.
Education in its dual role, both social and economic, has a key role to play in ensuring that Europe's citizens acquire the key competences needed to enable them to adapt flexibly to such changes.

The sense of key competence:

According to E.U, Competences are defined here as a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the context. Key 
competences are those which all individuals need for personal fulfilment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment.

Key competences include: comunication in mother tongue and in foreign tongue, Matematics ans science knowledge, digital competence, learning to learn, Social competence, sense of iniciative and entrepreneurial skills and cultural awarness.

Key competences are all consider equally important, because each all contribute to a sucessful global knowledge. In that context, governments must develop conditions so that students could get a global knowledge necessary to adapt youth to labor market.

How can be considered the Sense of Iniciative an entrepreneurial skill?
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship refers to an individual's ability to turn ideas into action. It includes creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives. This supports individuals, not only in their everyday lives at home and in society, but also in the workplace in being aware of the context of their work and being able to seize opportunities, and is a foundation for more specific skills and knowledge needed by those establishing or contributing to social or commercial activity. 

Essential knowledge, skills and attitudes related to this competence:

  • The ability to identify available opportunities for personal, professional and/or business activities,  and the opportunities and challenges facing an employer or organisation.
  • To be aware of the ethical position of enterprises, and how they can be a force for good, for example through fair trade or through social enterprise.
  • Skills relate to proactive project management (involving, for example the ability to plan, organise, manage, lead anddelegate, analyse, communicate, de-brief, evaluate and record), effective representation and negotiation, and the ability to work both as an individual and collaboratively in teams. 
  • The ability to judge and identify one's strengths and weaknesses, and to assess and take risks as and when warranted, is essential.
  • The attitude to be initiative, pro-activity, independence and innovation in personal and social life, as much as at work. It also includes motivation and determination to meet objectives, whether personal goals, or aims held in common with others, including at work.

After reading LOMCE and analysing the C.E. recommendation, I do reckon all european education systems must prevent that kind of education for ALL STUDENTS IN LOWER SECONDARY EDUCATION.
In LOMCE, government prevents an optional subjet (Iniciación a la vida  laboral y la actividad emprendedora) just for one target of students, so that point can be against the idea of Key Competence. Acording to me, this subject must be taken by all students, not just for the pre-vocacional ones. And another important appeciation is that subject would be able to develop all the aspects C.E recommends, we need a subject designed in that line.


We are doing the administrative phase of our business Proyect, and we can see abroad to know how difficult is in Spain establish a business.

Today, we are going to read this article, and what you have to do is explain me the sentences in black.

Despite reiterated pledges by the government to cut down on red tape, Spain remains one of the most difficult countries in the world in which to set up a business, according to the World Bank’s Doing Business 2013 report, which was released late Monday.
Spain is ranked 136th out of the 185 countries included in the World Bank’s survey on the ease of doing business, three places lower than last year. On average it takes 10 separate administrative procedures and 28 days to establish a company in Spain, at a cost equivalent to 4.7 percent of the average annual per capita income.

The easiest places in the world to set up a company are New Zealand, Australia and Canada, while the most difficult are Ivory Coast, Iraq and Surinam. In this component of the World Bank’s report, Spain ranks, among others, behind Afghanistan, Albania, Burundi, Iran, Kosovo, Kenya, Morocco, Nepal, Nicaragua, Ruanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Yemen and Zambia.
A Seville businessman recently spoke of the odyssey he had to go through to set up a business in Vejer in Andalusia, one of the regions in Europe with the highest jobless rates. It took him three years after having to go through four different administrations, at a cost of 10,000 euros.
Setting up a company remains the most arduous aspect in terms of ease of doing business in general in Spain, which ranks 44th in this component of the survey.

Fuente: El País.

Para aquellos que estén un poco flojos con el inglés, vamos a intentar hacerlo en castellano. La metodología para tratar las habilidades y cualidades emprendedoras en esta primera unidad de la materia de Iniciativa Emprendedora es la siguiente:


Todo emprendedor que se precie debe reunir 
gran parte de las cualidades que llevan a un deportista de élite a batirse en unas 
olimpiadas: espíritu de superación, capacidad de asumir riesgos, autoconfianza, orientación al logro, esfuerzo, perseverancia, formación, resiliencia… Pero aun teniéndolas todas, en la trayectoria de cada profesional que se inicia en la aventura empresarial, siempre hay un rasgo que es más significativo.

Nosotros hemos querido seleccionar a aquellos que mejor representan cada una de las disciplinas y cualidades olímpicas
  • Busca información en Internet sobre las siguientes personas, indaga sobre ellas, y haz una pequeña biografía de su vida empresarial y su actividad profesional actual y haz una ficha con esa información.

    • JUAN ROIG 

  • Una vez investigado/a la persona, debes de intentar asociar un deporte con cada uno de ellos con base a su habilidad emprendedora más 
característica justificando tu respuesta.

    • TENIS DOBLES. Aquellos deportistas que son aficionados a este deporte destacan por su capacidad de coordinación, esfuerzo y complementariedad. 
    • SALTO DE TRAMPOLÍN. Aquellos deportistas que son aficionados a este deporte destacan por su autonomía, capacidad de concentración y autoconfianza. 
    • HALTEROFILIA. Un gigante del textil que se caracteriza por su extraordinaria fuerza además de su destreza y actitud mental excepcional. 
    • CICLISMO EN PISTA.  Los ciclistas en un velódromo a velocidades pueden alcanzar los 60 Km/h impulsado sólo con la fuerza de las piernas. Es la prueba rápida por excelencia de los Juegos Olímpicos y en el caso del emprendedor, la velocidad, la agilidad para poner en marcha un negocio o para ser el primero en lanzar una idea en el mercado puede marcar la diferencia entre el éxito y el fracaso.
    • 100 M. LISOS. Nuestro  Usain Bolt en el sector de la distribución, a pesar de ser el campeón sigue con sus objetivos para llegar más lejos, no contento con el puesto alcanzado.
    • BALONCESTO. Un buen entrenador de baloncesto reconoce que crear equipo es la clave de para ser un ganador, por lo que es esencial atraer talentos y darles la autonomía para realizar las tareas por uno mismo, es esencial tener permiso para equivocarse para avanzar. 
    • SALTO DE PÉRTIGA. nuestro joven saltador ha creado una gran empresa en el sector tecnológico,  su principal virtud es poner en el siguiente salto el listón cada vez un poco más alto. 
    • JUDOEl judo se caracteriza por ser una disciplina que aprovecha la fuerza del otro para mejorar las acciones propias. Y eso es el máximo arte de la persuasión: conseguir que nuestro interlocutor haga suyo nuestro planteamiento.
    • PIRAGÜISMO K2En una piragua, la sincronización y la orientación a resultados son fundamentales para alcanzar la meta.
    • CONCURSO DE SALTOS HÍPICO.Si algo requiere la gimnasia deportiva es flexibilidad y agilidad. Igual que ocurre con los emprendedores. Requieren de flexibilidad para adaptar sus modelos de negocio a los cambios que exige el mercado en el día a día y también flexibilidad para emprender diferentes modelos de negocio.
Adaptación de Emprendedores. 2/7/2012

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