Bizarre Links

"Conexiones improbablesintroduces the arts and culture into strategic innovation processesIt is based on the paradigms of open innovation and the principles of interrelated fields, disciplines and individuals.

It proposes exploratory processes to innovate and transform organisations through artistically and culturally based experiences. It therefore relates the arts, philosophy, 
business and organisations in search of new questions and answers that respond to the needs of all manner of organisations. The connections are supposedly improbable, but possible.

 Hybridisation of differences: Improving our creativity

Hybridisation is a process that allow us to link  two incompatible elements that can lead to a result that adds value.

  1. Following this idea, we propoused a task to Entrepreneurship pupils based on linking several objects they might use in a common day in their lifes  in order to create new objects with a new utility.
  2. They could use the technique they wanted, such as photo, video, drawing... just set your mind free
this is the result:

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