Si esa respuesta es afirmativa, posiblemente te sientas relajado leyendo esta entrada, y en caso contrario, quizás comienzas a estar incómodo al ver que tu compañero/a de al lado está disfrutando de la actividad mientras te echas las manos a la cabeza pensando... oh no... tengo que estrujarme la cabeza para hacer una actividad que te desagrada por la dificultad que entraña para ti ser creativo.
Sin embargo, os vamos a decir una cosa: La creatividad que realiza una persona sin esfuerzo, porque le resulta fácil y no está dirigida a ningún fin concreto corre el peligro de acabar en más puro esperpento. La creatividad como fin no sirve para nada.
Sin embargo una persona que trabaje, luche e insista en desarrollar su creatividad, esta acabará emergiendo.
Así se quieres fomentar tu creatividad o recuperar esa chispa creativa que algún día tuviste, puedes practicar de vez en cuando algunos de estos consejos e ideas.
A 12-Step Guide to Improve Your Creativity
Having a fixed schedule may sound counter-productive to creativity, but in fact, it has several benefits. Knowing what you're going to do and when you're going to do it can free your mind to focus on the task at hand without worrying about all of the little things that can distract you.
2. Have a Dedicated Workspace — Most of the Time
Similar to setting a schedule, having a dedicated workspace frees you from distraction and gives you a place where you can surround yourself with the items that inspire you and make you feel most comfortable.
3. Talk About What You're Doing
This is especially important — share your work with others and talk about what each of you is working on.
4. Become an Observer
Study the world and the people in it, wherever you go.
5. Explore Other Creative Interests
Exploring other creative interests, like photography, music or writing, can give you an outlet that's different enough to keep your mind stimulated, but still keep you thinking about design from a different perspective.
6. Collect Inspiration
Start collecting things you feel are well-designed, either by putting the actual product (such as a magazine ad or a mailer) into a binder, or saving digital photos and screenshots. Ideally, do both.
7. Get Involved in a Good Cause
If you have the time to spare, consider putting your skills to use for a cause you believe strongly in. That's good karma all the way around, and when you feel good about your work, you'll produce higher quality results across all of your projects.
8. Get a Good Night's Sleep
It's difficult to focus when you're tired, and you're not going to have any major creative insights if you're simply going through the motions between cups of coffee. Of course, you may have to pull the occasional all-nighter to meet a deadline, but try to get good sleep on a regular basis.
9. Learn Something New Every Day
Never stop learning — the world is a big, complicated place and there's always something new and exciting right around the corner.
10. Take Breaks
More often, though, a couple of regular, scheduled breaks throughout your work day can serve as a great way to revitalize and re-energize.
11. Use a Mood Board
Get back to the basics of design: space, balance, texture, repetition, line, color.
12. Don't Feel Guilty
Sometimes, no matter how hard you try or what you do, things just don't work out. If you have more than one or two days like this in a month, then you might want to look into why that's the case, but everyone has an off day now and then.