E-Corner, Entreprenership+English

On 21 March, the Language and Economics department was lucky enough to launch our school’s first E-Corner.

Aimed at students in the 2nd year of Baccalaureate, we enjoyed watching the students learn and share with Benjamin Carter, CEO of the company Pop Planet. An educational digital content company that promotes the learning of English in early childhood.

We have learned about the origin of the company, the creative process followed in the company to design digital materials that keep children interested and motivated to learn English.

The students have prepared questions for Benjamín and about the inclusion of English culture in digital content, future projects, work team, forms of financing, types of business models…

It has been exciting to feel the concentration of our students to understand Benjamin’s speech and the interaction that has been generated between entrepreneur and students.

We concluded the talk by talking about the Medicci Effect and we imitated the creative process followed in the Renaissance. We applied the hybridisation processes of the Renaissance with Benjamin Carter and iterated the business model we had developed. We shared the whole process in the project’s Padlet and said a sad farewell to Benjamin.

Thank you very much for your time,The next step is to defend our project with the elevator Pitch that will put an end to our project.

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